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Of course, nice instructions for the production of soap cupcakes

You would like to try something new? Then just make this soap in cupcake form yourself! With our instructions she is made very easy. You should not eat these cupcakes. Photo: EMF What you need for the soap cupcakes: Recipes Floating Soap Topping (Meringue or Whipped Soap) The formula should always contain at least 70-80% solid fats


Absurd GrundMutter from USA horrified: teacher instructs kindergarten child to change clothes

In the US, an educator has moved a child without consultation. The mother had previously sent the girl with dress to kindergarten. When she picked up her daughter from kindergarten, she wore jeans and a T-shirt. The reasoning is absurd ... In the US, a girl was moved to kindergarten because her dress was supposed to be too chaste


Tea-drinking tea from the microwave: is that the best preparation?

Tea from the microwave: Sounds wrong, but it should be just the right way to make tea. If you love tea, you should prepare it in the microwave Photo: Istock Indeed! A 2012 study states that the healthiest and tastiest way to cook tea is to microwave it. Since every true Englishman's stomach turns


PreventionAntibabypille protects against cancer? Long-term study provides surprising results

Women who use contraceptive pills do not get more cancer than others, according to a new study. For some cancers, the risk even lowers. The contraceptive pill should not increase the risk of cancer. Photo: iStock The contraceptive pill does not have the best reputation. It makes you fat, depressed and confuses the hormone balance, it is said again and again


Health Hazard Hospital - so bad are the conditions in Germany

Germs, congested staff, premature dismissals - the conditions in German hospitals are catastrophic. That's what health minister Gröhe says. Everything is not so bad - Minister of Health Gröhe Photo: WDR / Mediathek The conditions in German hospitals are catastrophic. This shows a new episode of the program "Hard but fair", in which a nurse reveals the working conditions in German hospitals.


Food Avocados: Pesticides lurk on the shell

Avocados are considered healthy, but if you forget to wash the bowl, the fruit becomes a real health risk. Photo: iStock It is considered to be super healthy, to help with weight loss with omega 3 fatty acids and also tastes really good: Avocados are considered the superfood par excellence. For most of us they are on a regular basis - but as we have now discovered, the fruit may not be as healthy as expected


Health cirrhosis: Everything you need to know about the life-threatening disease

Cirrhosis - for those affected it is a real shock diagnosis. Here we explain what it means when the largest detoxification organ fails in service. Bloating and pressure in the abdomen are the first signs of cirrhosis Photo: iStock content What happens in liver cirrhosis? Cirrhosis: These are the symptoms Cirrhosis: These causes can have the disease Examinations and diagnosis Which forms of therapy are there for cirrhosis


Healthy & fitMuscle and joint pain: How to get fit again

Luckily we have our joints. We owe it to them that we can move easily in everyday life. In order to maintain mobility, we should take care of our joints to avoid rigid posture and muscle and joint complaints. A lot of exercise is the alpha and omega for healthy joints that do not hurt. Photo: iStock Everybody knows it and, due to work, is often forced: permanent


Lose weight properly Lose weight: this is how it works with the diet

Finally lose weight! - Target No.1 of many people around the globe. However, many fail already in the first few months due to lack of motivation or, because the result is coming. With our tips, the project diet is guaranteed to succeed - without the yo-yo effect. Photo: Protina Basica Losing weight is difficult and weight maintenance after a diet is usually even more difficult


Job interview tips on how to control your voice

With a good voice in the job interview. Photo: Pohl Boskamp / GeloRevoice The voice as the key to sympathy and your dream job The voice of a human is his business card. It can have a great influence on the sympathies that are shown to him - of course, in the interview. We all like to listen to a pleasant voice, while we are reluctant to listen to an unpleasant voice for longer than necessary - even if the contents of what is said are correct


Superfoods Are Superfoods Harmful? Warning of chia seeds, goji berries and co

Can we save ourselves superfoods? The consumer center of Lower Saxony warns of pesticides in the miracle drugs and r t to local fruits and vegetables. Can we save Chia and Co? Photo: iStock In the morning a few chia seeds in the yoghurt, at noon quinoa instead of rice and in between a matcha latte - Superfoods have long been on the menu and replace more and more regional food there


New agility tips against joint pain

Joint pain is often caused by overwork, distortion or disease such as osteoarthritis or rheumatism. With these tips you can relieve the pain and get moving again! Agility is guaranteed with these tips! Photo: iStock / spukkato content Pads and wraps Natural helper massages sauna Mattress and slatted frame check Move nutrition So you stay active and mobile When the joints ache and every movement becomes agony, a vicious circle develops: In order to escape the pain, one assumes a protective attitude and thus automatically a false posture


Joint sport for sitting leaders So your joints stay fit

Constantly we sit and move thereby too little: in the morning quickly to work, lunch at noon for dinner and in the evening home on the couch. Pretty boring and bad for your health on top of that. Just go back to work by bike. Photo: iStock // RoBeDeRo Anyone who manages to move 15 minutes daily, lives already much healthier


The abandoned joint How excessive sitting can lead to osteoarthritis

We pay attention to our diet and make every effort to exercise regularly - reassuring health. But what about the joints? The modern man is too "sedentary" and thus leaves his joints in the lurch. Acting before it is too late and surgery is inevitable. Photo: iStock // robertprzybysz Man loves to sit, it is completely against his nature


Keep your eyes open for permanent sitting Is smoking new?

"Sit down" - a nice gesture, which is anything but friendly for the joints. Sitting does not do the body good. Not only does it start, it can also have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Long sitting at a desk often gets in the way of the circulation. Photo: iStock // g-stockstudio We sit around 14 hours a day


Fishy Teriyaki salmon on fiery cream savoy cabbage

Photo: Florian Bonanni ingredients for 4 persons 500 g salmon 4 el Teriyaki sauce 1/2 head of savoy cabbage 1 onion 2 teaspoons sunflower oil 200 ml vegetable broth 200 g of whipped cream salt 1 - 2 Tb Sambal Oelek sesame parsley Preparation, about 30 minutes Wash salmon, pat dry and cut into 12 thin slices


Sweet wild berry sorbet with almond cream

Photo: Florian Bonanni ingredients for 4 persons 450 ml of milk 1 packet of custard powder "almond flavor" 5 tbsp of sugar 150 g of sour cream 150 g deep-frozen berry mix 2 tablespoons almond liqueur Preparation, about 15 minutes Boil 400 ml of milk. Mix the custard powder, 3 tablespoons sugar and 50 ml milk


We present you different fasting methods Four fasting cures at a glance

The success of a fasting cure also depends on which method you choose. We will introduce you to four different approaches - FX-Mayr-Kur, Buchinger method, fruit fasting and soup fasting. Maybe there is the right method for you? fasting Photo: iStock content FX Mayr cure: lose up to five pounds Buchinger Method: Lets you lose up to six pounds Fruit fasting: Up to four kilos disappear Soup fasting: Up to four kilos down FX Mayr cure: lose up to five pounds One of the best known fasting treatments is the Mayr cure with fresh milk and rolls


HealthThis simple trick protects you from colds!

Winter is cold. In order to survive the cold season without cold and cough, you should definitely do this one thing. The simplest cold protection is: Sleep! Photo: iStock Snow, cocoa, Christmas ... As much as we like winter, one thing annoys us every year: colds. In the cold season, we regularly get caught again and again, even though we always pack warm in scarf and coat


Laden chocolate warning: Mineral oil found in Advent calendars

Advent calendars have been back in every supermarket for weeks. But Foodwatch now warns of mineral oil residues in chocolate. The chocolate in various Advent calendars is loaded with mineral oil. Photo: Editorial The Mineraölrückstände were detected in the advent calendar chocolate by a test of the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL). I


Health Color Psychology: The effect of colors on our soul

Color psychology tells us which colors are the same as ours Photo: joeha480 / iStock content Play of colors for the soul: this is revealed by color psychology Color psychology: Rosa is the "girl color" Color Psychology: Violet can quickly become tight Color Psychology: Blue cools and relieves - even physical inflammation Color psychology: Green is the hope - because it stands for growth and life Color Psychology: Yellow makes things bigger and attracts the eye Color psychology: Red stands for energy, love and sensuality, as it increases the adrenaline output Color Psychology: White is


Homeopathy, monastic medicine, home remedies, or herbs? 56 natural painkillers

Globuli, herbs or flowers? Belongs in every medicine chest: Globuli. Photo: iStock content Homeopathy: With globules for pain Monastic Medicine - the best herbs that help Home remedies - what grandma advises ... Homeopathy, monastery medicine or proven home remedies? Try out what works best for you. Homeopathy: With globules for pain head Gelsemium D6: every hour 5 globules (eg from DHU, pharmacy)

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