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Homeopathy, monastic medicine, home remedies, or herbs? 56 natural painkillers

Globuli, herbs or flowers?

Belongs in every medicine chest: Globuli.
Photo: iStock
  1. Homeopathy: With globules for pain
  2. Monastic Medicine - the best herbs that help
  3. Home remedies - what grandma advises ...

Homeopathy, monastery medicine or proven home remedies? Try out what works best for you.

Homeopathy: With globules for pain

  • head

Gelsemium D6: every hour 5 globules (eg from DHU, pharmacy). The yellow jasmine helps especially with tension headaches. Nux vomica D6: every hour 5 globules. The Brechnuss relieves hangover. Iris versicolor D6: 5 globules every 2 hours . The iris has proven itself in migraine. Take the globules as soon as an attack announces itself. In severe pain, the remedy usually no longer helps.

  • Muscles + joints

Arnica C30: once 5 globules. The Bergwohlverleih is the best first aid for bruises, strains, buckling, sports accidents. Rhus toxicodendron D12: 5 globules 4 times a day. Poisonum relieves back pain, tension and soreness. Betula D3 / Mandragora D3 (as complexing agent, eg from Wala, pharmacy): 5 globules 4 times a day. Birch and mandrake have an effect on rheumatism and arthritis.

  • abdomen

Cantharis D6: every hour 5 globules. The substance from the Spanish fly relieves burning pain in cystitis. Belladonna D6: every hour 5 globules. Belladonna is the drug of choice for menstrual cramps. In addition, rub the abdomen with copper ointment (eg from Wala, pharmacy). Populus tremuloides D3: 5 globules 3 times a day. The Aspen tree improves prostate symptoms.

  • Stomach, intestines & Co.

Arsenicum album D12: 5 globules 4 times a day. Strongly diluted arsenic counteracts colic and diarrhea. Carbo vegetabilis D6: every hour 5 globules. The substance of charcoal relieves painful bloating. Carduus marianus D6: every hour 5 globules. Milk thistle brings the liver and bile to rest. Nux vomica D6: every hour 5 globules. The brew nut calms the stomach, which helps with heartburn and nausea.

  • ears

Apis mellifica D6: every hour 5 globules. The substance from the honeybee is used for middle ear inflammation. In addition, ear drops with levisticum (lovage) can relieve the symptoms (eg from Weleda, pharmacy). Barium iodine D6: 5 globules 2 times a day. Barium iodide is the right remedy when inflamed pharyngeal tonsils are in the game, so sore throat to the ears radiate.

  • teeth

Arnica D6: every hour 5 globules. The Bergwohlverleih relieves the consequences of dental treatments. Cheiranthus cheiri D4: 5 globules 3 times a day. The medicinal plant Gold Lacquer has been used since ancient times for pain in the mouth. Homeopathy recommends it for problems with the wisdom teeth. Silicea D12: 5 globules 2 times a day. Silica helps with pain-sensitive teeth and bleeding gums.

  • annoy

Aconitum napellus D6: 5 globules 3 times a day. The blue monkshood is highly toxic, in homeopathy it is prescribed in highly diluted form for neuralgic pain of all kinds. Also available as "Aconite Pain Oil" (eg from Wala, pharmacy), suitable for external use. Sulfur D12: 5 globules once a day. Sulfur has been proven in foot pain (Burning Feet syndrome), which usually occur at night.

Monastic Medicine - the best herbs that help

  • head

Willow bark: 1 teaspoon small cut bark (pharmacy, herb shop) with 125 ml of hot water, let stand for 20 min, strain. 5-9 cups a day. Willow bark contains substances that are similar to aspirin. Feverfew: 1 teaspoon of herb (pharmacy, herbal shop) with 125 ml of hot water, infuse for 5 min, strain. Daily 3 cups, prevents migraine.

  • Muscles + joints

Hayflower sack: fill dried hay flowers (pharmacy) in a small cushion cover, steam over a water bath until it is almost hot, place on the sore spot, fix with a woolen cloth. Leave for 45-60 minutes. Nettle juice (eg from Schoenenberger, health food store): Take 10 ml undiluted 2 times a day. Helps against rheumatic complaints and gout.

  • abdomen

Birch leaves (pharmacy): 3 tsp. To 125 ml of hot water, infuse for 15 min., Strain. In case of bladder pain 6 cups daily. Goose finger herb (pharmacy): 1 teaspoon to 125 ml of water, boil for 10 min, strain. For menstrual cramps 3 cups daily. Stinging nettle root (pharmacy): 1 teaspoon 125 ml of water, boil for 1 min., Infuse for 10 min. For prostate problems 3 cups daily.

  • Stomach, intestines & Co.

Galangal root (pharmacy): 1 teaspoon powdered root to 125 ml of hot water, cover for 10 minutes, strain. Drink lukewarm 30 minutes before meals. Protects against heartburn. Angelica root (pharmacy): 1 teaspoon to 125 ml of hot water, cover for 10 min., Strain. Drink lukewarm 30 minutes before meals. Relieves painful flatulence, stomach cramps and irritable stomach.

  • ears

Mullein Blossoms (Pharmacy): 1 handful of flowers with 100 ml of sunflower oil in a screw jar, put 4 weeks in a bright place, shake in between. Strain and fill in a bottle. Heat 1 tsp oil, brush ears with it. Also drink Mulberry blossom tea 3 times a day: add 1 teaspoon to 125 ml of hot water, cover for 15 minutes, strain.

  • teeth

Vermouth verbena wine: Boil 25 g wormwood herb, 25 g verbena (both pharmacy) in 250 ml wine, simmer for 3 min, strain. Drink sugar sweet and lukewarm, let each sip as long as possible in the mouth. 2 times a day. Put the dried herbs on a cloth, fold and place on the cheek as a compress. Fresh chervil leaves (weekly market): chew thoroughly.

  • annoy

Calamus root oil (pharmacy): Add 30 drops in 50 ml of rubbing wine and rub in the affected areas, allow to soak. Campherspiritus (pharmacy): Apply twice a day. Also available as ointment. Do not use on the face. Oat straw (pharmacy): boil 100 g to 2 l of water, cook for 30 minutes, strain and pour into the bath water. To bathe for 30 minutes. Not for heart failure and high blood pressure.

Home remedies - what grandma advises ...

  • head

Horseradish cover: Put 1 tbsp freshly grated horseradish on a cloth handkerchief, fold in and place on the forehead. Caution, spicy: close your eyes. Maximum 5 minutes. Peppermint tea: 1 teabag of medicinal tea (eg from Sidroga, pharmacy) with 125 ml (measure exactly!) Pour over hot water, covered covered for 7 minutes. Coffee with a dash of lemon juice: caffeine and vitamin C are proven to help against headache.

  • Muscles + joints

Spruce needle spirits: 2 handfuls of fresh spruce tips, 80 ml of corn, 20 ml of pure alcohol (pharmacy) in a screw jar, let draw 5 weeks in a bright place, shake vigorously in between . Strain, pour into a bottle. Rub painful areas with it. Acetic acid clay (pharmacy): dilute with cold water at a ratio of 1:10, soak cloth in it. For bruises, sprains, insect bites.

  • abdomen

Freshly grated horseradish: take 1 tsp daily. The mustard oils in the spicy root kill the germs in the bladder. Warm onion wrap: cut an onion into small pieces, sauté for a short while, put on a sheet, fold over, put on the abdomen. Fix with wool scarf. Fruits of horseshoe: 10 g of horsetail (pharmacy) in 1 l of water. Let it soak overnight. Boil, place in a seat pan, fill with cold water.

  • Stomach, intestines & Co.

Horseradish wine: add 3 tablespoons of grated horseradish to 1 liter of white wine, infuse for a week, filter through a cloth. In case of abdominal pain, take 1 tbsp. Soda: after the meal dissolve 1 teaspoon in a small glass of water. In case of flatulence and nausea. Potato juice (health food store): 50 ml 3 times a day before eating. For heartburn and other digestive problems. Raw potatoes contain toxic solanine, so do not make the juice yourself.

  • ears

Sunflower oil: Warm up 1 tbsp of oil in a water bath, carefully brush out aching ear with a cotton swab. Parsley bag : Put a bunch of parsley in a bag, crush with the potato masher, put on the ear as a compress. Alternative: Envelope with warm onion or boiled potatoes. Geranium leaf: pick off a fresh leaf, roll it up to the funnel and gently push into the ear.

  • teeth

Cloves : chew two cloves. Is also available as an oil (pharmacy): use a cotton swab to dab the painful tooth or inflamed gums. Sage tea : infuse 1 teabag of medicinal tea (eg from Bad Heilbrunner, drugstore) to 125 ml of hot water, covered for 10 minutes. In case of pain, rinse with tea several times a day. Natural yoghurt: eat a lot of it, keep yoghurt in your mouth for as long as possible. Relieves inflammation.

  • annoy

St. John's wort oil (pharmacy): Place 1 tbsp on a sheet, cover with foil and warm with a hot water bottle. Put on the painful area, fix with a woolen scarf. Elderberry juice (health food): dilute with hot water several times a day and drink slowly. Mustard-flour-envelopes: Mix 2 tablespoons of mustard flour (pharmacy) with warm water to a pulp, spread on a cloth, fold and hang up. 10 minutes max.

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