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Laden chocolate warning: Mineral oil found in Advent calendars

Advent calendars have been back in every supermarket for weeks. But Foodwatch now warns of mineral oil residues in chocolate.

The chocolate in various Advent calendars is loaded with mineral oil.
Photo: Editorial

The Mineraölrückstände were detected in the advent calendar chocolate by a test of the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL). In total, five different Advent calendars were tested.

Three of these calendars, according to the LGL, contained low levels of aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH). We have listed them here for you:

  • Goldora Advendskalender (motive Santa Claus with sled, EAN code: 20196455) [Rübezahl] *
  • Goldora Advendskalender (motif Santa Claus with animals, EAN code: 20196462) [Rübezahl] *
  • Advent calendar "Santa Claus in Town" (Panda motif, EAN code: 4316268521680) [Netto Discount] *

Aromatic hydrocarbons, which are a constituent of mineral oil, are suspected of being carcinogenic and damaging or affecting the genetic material. Saturated mineral oils (MOSH) were again found in the other two advent calendars tested by the LGL. These are deposited in the body and can damage the internal organs. Affected are the following calendars:

  • Feodora Advent Calendar Angel with festive pralines (EAN code: 4000323068004) [Feodora]
  • Advent calendar (motif Santa Claus on Christmas market, EAN code: 4006613002703) [Diaper]

Mineral oil in Advent calendars: LGL gives the all-clear, Foodwatch not

However, since the chocolate from the Advent calendars would normally only be consumed in small quantities (ie one piece of chocolate per day), there is no reason to worry, according to the LGL . The website of the State Office reads literally: "In the opinion of the LGL, the consumption of Advent calendar chocolate does not give rise to any concern on the basis of the available results and findings."

On the part of Foodwatch, however, this is different. Here is expressly warned against the consumption of loaded with mineral oil chocolate. Reference is made to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which states that "when it comes to aromatic mineral oils in a food, whatever its concentration, it must always be assumed that it has a mutagenic potential".

It is also asking the LGL to encourage dealers to remove the affected advent calendars from sale. It also called on legislators to introduce "legal limit values ​​for MOSH and a zero tolerance in MOAH" "to finally protect consumers in a sustainable way".

Residues of mineral oil were found in the listed Advent calendars last year. Therefore, the LGL focused especially on these products.

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