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Superfoods Are Superfoods Harmful? Warning of chia seeds, goji berries and co

Can we save ourselves superfoods? The consumer center of Lower Saxony warns of pesticides in the miracle drugs and r t to local fruits and vegetables.

Can we save Chia and Co?
Photo: iStock

In the morning a few chia seeds in the yoghurt, at noon quinoa instead of rice and in between a matcha latte - Superfoods have long been on the menu and replace more and more regional food there . No wonder, because the hyped exotics are considered super healthy, slender, beautiful, vital, and if you always buzzing his chia pudding, you may even age slower. So far our current status. But now our world view is shaken by this message from the Vebraucherzentrale Niedersachen :

Maybe superfoods are not as great as expected!

The Verbraucherzentrale Niedersachsen advises us to the day of healthy nutrition on March 7 to replace our daily portion of superfoods with local fruits and vegetables . This is often healthier than the food advertised as 'superfood', which is often contaminated with pesticides and overpriced. The positive effects were also "proven in very few cases, " explains Britta Schautz, nutrition expert of the consumer center of Lower Saxony. For this reason, for example, the providers of acai berries have been banned to promote the berries with an anti-aging effect.

Superfoods are overpriced and burdened with pesticides

Unlike the positive effects, which can not always be proven, some disadvantages of superfoods can not be denied: long transport routes from South America (Chia) or China (Matcha) harm the climate, in addition to the fact that the superfoods are not sufficiently researched. Do chia seeds end up causing allergies? No idea, because the seeds are still no long-term studies.

In addition, the term superfood is not defined by law, anyone can use the term as they wish, "says Schautz, so can we save ourselves superfoods? Yes, if the term 'superfoods' is so poorly defined, we'll just stop eating continue the foods that we know are healthy and good for us: raspberries, apples, oatmeal, flaxseed ... they're actually pretty awesome as well.

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