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Self-assertion as a woman: This is how you improve your appearance

Self-assertion made easy: In this way you can maintain your posture even in difficult situations and prevail.

Always important in discussions: keeping the attitude!
Photo: iStock

Who does not know: In a business meeting, in a dispute with the partner or even just when the summer jacket in the store was exchanged in the store, exactly what you wanted to say - and suddenly you are speechless, knows nothing more to say and Feels trapped in the situation.

To assert oneself, to defend one's own interests, without attacking one's interlocutor and becoming obscure, is one of the most difficult things of all. In professional as well as private surroundings, we are repeatedly exposed to verbal attacks, to which one reacts calmly and calmly. Unfortunately, we often tend to get emotional in discussions, so we regret things that are said, or even become incredible.

So that does not happen, we talked to one who knows exactly how to assert himself and yet remains fair: martial arts teacher Oliver Dreber . The head of the 'Institute for Combat and Communication' offers workshops for women where they learn to prevail over men.

- Mr. Dreber, why do women need workshops to assert themselves?

Oliver Dreber: "We are still living in a society full of hierarchies, whether at work or in the family, women are still subordinate to male-dominated hierarchies where it is difficult to assert oneself, because self-assertion is always physical . Anyone who speaks aloud and sometimes puts on the table, rather prevails, but both are typically male . "

- What can we do to assert ourselves as women?

Oliver Dreber: "Very important: First of all, to take the correct posture It is always decisive how we appear in discussions When we take up an upright position, we not only feel bigger and more sovereign - we are too, in an upright position Position, the voice can develop much better and we feel more self-confident.Our opposite also perceives us much more clearly and it is easier for us to stay factual.Which crooked sits on the other hand, often feels trapped in itself. "

Finding solutions and not always attacking

- How do we fail when it comes to asserting ourselves?

Oliver Dreber: "In discussions, often both parties try to get their opinion across, even though that's not what it is all about.Much more important is that you exchange views and agree on a solution.Unfortunately, this is often neglected by women and men, you feel hurt and the position level becomes personal, which in turn makes you unbelievable.You should always make it clear that you do not have to go to the attack level. "

- What can one do to avoid quarrels right from the start?

Oliver Dreber: "Basically, it helps enormously to say 'no': women are often in need of harmony and prefer to do so to their fellow human beings rather than themselves, for fear of disappointing others, but in the end they will not become themselves just. "
