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Baby camera hacked by a stranger

Little Emma does not understand what's going on.
Photo: Screenshot: Contributed by Fox 19

Horror in the nursery

In the middle of the night Heather Schreck hears a strange voice from the baby videophone . She looks at the display and sees her little daughter Emma. But something is not right.

The camera moves by itself without being used. "Wake up, baby, " cries a strange man's voice.

Worried, she wakes her husband Adam, who runs immediately into the nursery. But there is nobody to see. The baby camera turns on his little daughter who does not know what's going on. "The strange voice yelled at me, flinging me with obscenities, " recalls the father.

The worried parents quickly suspect what happened: A stranger has hacked the baby camera . In panic, the father pulls the plug out of the camera, then the spook is over.

"You feel hurt and helpless, " says Adam. His wife Heather was shocked at how easily a stranger could invade his own home.

The horror night shows what an easy game hackers have, if you do not adequately secure technical equipment. Therefore, experts advise to change passwords of such baby cameras and wireless regularly and to adjust security standards.

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