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How to wear a cape

Yes! Chic with jeans, denim shirt and lace-up ankle boots does not look like a Cape on Earth after Holmes, Watson or Country Women's Day. Cape: Zucca. Shirt: Levi's. Jeans: private. Ankle boots: Sportmax.
Photo: Sabrina Theissen

Marlene tries it

New look - old question. Does it look well on me? How do I carry this? Author Marlene Sørensen dares a fashionable self-experiment every month. Your current test case: the cape

On the list of reactions that no woman wants to trigger with her clothes, "Hello, Sherlock Holmes!" Is pretty high up. This is how the photographer reacted when I stood in front of her camera in cape, pleated trousers and blouse . I did not have to wait for the test image to change again.

On the catwalk, the cape looked gorgeous in this combination. But like many outfits, which look good in a fashion show, they look like a costume, away from the headlights. Do not object.

Fashion is there to transform with it. But please do not turn into a detective from the 19th century ... Maybe every morning Holmes had an hour to choose the right one for his cape (nice idea.) "Watson, are these pants to the cape too ... fluffy?") . Anyway, it took forever until I found the right thing.

A cape is just not the same winter coat in black, you can pull over everything, and therefore as a garment more interesting, but also more complicated. First of all: The part has no sleeves. That makes it damn hard to find a top for you. It must not be too thin - otherwise the forearms will freeze. It must not be too thick - otherwise the beautiful draping of the cape will be lost. And then: slim trousers or loose pants? Narrow pants - with men's shoes . A look, as for a student studying abroad at the Sorbonne. Unfortunately I look in this Cape then as if I was only 1.45 m tall.

So high shoes. How can I have 24 pairs of high heels, but not exactly the right boots? And where to go with the handbag? Either you put it in the elbow, which is impractical. Or you leave them at home. A garment that you can not wear a bag for and little else? That's real luxury.

Shortly after I reach that conclusion, a friend calls. "No time . I have to buy lace-up boots for my cape. " " Tell me, you do not look like an egg under the hood? Me, yes! I never know what to wear. "If she had asked how she does not look like she was going to solve a murder in the London fog, I could even have helped her.

Styling tips:

  • The Cape is available in two versions: cozy poncho (eg by Chloé) and dramatic cloak (eg by Céline). Narrow trousers & loafers fit the former. Second short shorts & high shoes.
  • Best Buy: a Cape in Camel. Combine with Navy, Black or Khaki.
  • Perfect handbag: a clutch. Anything you really need fits in anyway.

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