Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Drinking glass as a brush storage

  • painter's palette
  • Acrylic paint in green, white, orange, pink and yellow (craft shop)
  • Flower template (eg

      from C. Kreul)
    • drinking glass
    • Silver wire (craft shop)
    • Hot glue gun and hot glue
    • coarser and finer brush
    • Piece of wood as a prop

    1. Prime the painter palette with green acrylic paint. Let dry.

    2. Using a template, dab yellow flowers. Let dry.

    3. Use the fine brush to draw accents and stems of different colors to the flowers.

    4. Apply small white lines around the painters palette

    5. Wrap the drinking glass with wire and glue it to the painter's palette with hot glue.

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