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Princess Letizia takes her chance

Prinze Felipe and Princess Letizia stroll relaxed over the university grounds ...
Photo: Getty images

master's certificate

King Juan Carlos (74) makes forced leave: First the knee, then the heel, then the hip break, plus the bad rumors about his alleged affair with a German princess.

However, Spain is not without royal splendor, because now the Crown Prince and Princess - Prince Felipe (44) and Princess Letizia (39) - have to show what they have learned. And: The people cheer, because Felipe and Letizia have done their homework!

At the festive awards ceremony in the auditorium of the University of Alcala de Henares (near Madrid), not only did the guests experience an elegant pair of royal princes who dignified the troubled king, but they saw Princess Letizia openly and seldom close to her husband was looking for.

Arm in arm and with a cheerful face they walked across the university grounds, as if they wanted to signal to all the world: Look, we hold together and face the challenges that lie ahead.

Princess Letizia, in particular, reaped plupunctures because she seemed transformed - not a little annoyed, but liberated and downright happy. "She uses her chance, " say Hofkenner. "She knows if she fails now, she can never become queen."

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