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Madonna: Cleansing according to the lunar calendar

Madonna takes off with Cleansing according to the lunar calendar.
Photo: (c) Getty Images

Losing weight like the stars

Madonna (55), the Queen of Pop is known as a trendsetter and fitness enthusiast. No wonder that she is also forward-looking for us in terms of diet . The latest coup of the singer is called werewolf diet. She does not howl at the moon. Rather she pursues a physical Cleansing according to the lunar calendar .

The moon and its effect on us

The method is not as farfetched as it seems, because from a medical point of view, the female cycle is actually subject to the lunar cycle. In particular, this has an influence on our water balance in the body and supports the weight loss effect in diets in a healthy way .

Type and composition of the Moon Diet

For beginners, the detox cure in the form of a 24-hour fast to full or new moon is recommended. Here, the body is supplied only water and juice . The more detailed version also starts with a full day or new moon fast day - juice and water for 24 hours - and then adds the individual diet. The combination of cleansing with another diet program can have an extra weight-loss effect, because in the first 24 hours all poisons and slags are flushed out of the body and the metabolism is stimulated . So prepared, it is easy for the body to break down more pounds.

The effects

The effects of Cleansing according to the lunar calendar speak for themselves in any case: Our skin looks clearer and finer pores, the immune system is strengthened, we have more energy overall, the eyes radiate and our figure is slim and slim.
