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Editor'S Choice

Make stamp yourself

With the "do-it-yourself stamp set", you can contribute your own ideas to letters and gifts.

Laura Creative Ideas

With it you can put letters and gifts on your own personal note

That's in the set

The package contains a stamp plate, red negative foil, transparent tape, a brush and a very detailed crafting instructions. All you need is a black and white copy of your desired subject, an iron and a hair dryer.

That is how it goes

With the do-it-yourself-set you can make three stamps according to your personal taste. Simply print out your favorite black and white theme, such as For example a photo, a drawing or a self-designed logo, and off you go. The copy is ironed onto the red foil, removed again and placed in the light with the daylight-sensitive stamp plate for a while. Then the relief is rinsed out with water, dried briefly and glued to one of the stamp handles. Already your stamp is ready. Thanks to detailed instructions, this is easy.

Here you get it

The "do-it-yourself stamp set" costs 13.90 euros. You can order it from CC-Products, Tel .: 02 21/5 10 47 53).

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