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Conditions: platelet deficiency

Definition, causes and course of disease

Platelet deficiency is a disorder of physical self-healing. The body is its own repair operation. Injuries cause a series of chain reactions in the blood that cause the wound to close. A key role is played by the platelets. Each person has up to 400, 000 per microliter of blood. When it comes to bleeding, they quickly change their surface and enlarge. In a first step they lie down against the wound. At the same time they contribute to the formation of coagulation factors. These proteins stick to the platelets and form a plug that seals the wound. Lack of platelets can interfere with coagulation. Possible causes include diseases of the spinal cord (where the platelets are formed), infections, medication, vitamin deficiency, alcoholism and enlargement of the spleen. Misregulations of the immune system are often responsible. It then destroys endogenous platelets. But only when their amount has dropped to below 50, 000 per microliter of blood, increased risk of bleeding must be expected. In the worst case, life-threatening blood loss and cerebral hemorrhages occur. In the beginning, there are often small bleeding in the skin that looks like rashes. Injuries bleed more heavily than normal. Nasal and gum bleeding accumulate and bruises easily form.


The underlying diseases must be well cured. Various drugs prevent the decay of platelets.

Prevention and self-help

In order to prevent platelet deficiency, it is fundamentally important to ensure a well-functioning immune system. Therefore, a balanced diet that prevents vitamin deficiency is very helpful. Even alcohol should be dispensed with. If platelet deficiency is present, individuals should avoid activities with greater risk of injury until healing.

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