Job coach Dirk Möller knows a lot about office fights. Here he reveals how women deal best with female competition in the job.
Does it make a difference if I compete with a man or a woman? Yes. Men fight openly and have been familiar with the game of power since childhood. That's what they use in the job: They no longer talk to the competitor, express oral threats or block him in the work area.
And women? Fighting on the emotional level. They intrigue, aim their criticism at intimate feelings, spread false rumors and hints. They are more subtle than men.
Can competition also have positive aspects? Without them, working life would be pretty boring! Competition makes you more creative and motivated. If you are perceived as a serious competitor, then you must have something on the box.
Okay, but where does the border go if you're ready to compete but still want to be fair? Insults are an absolute no-go, as are personal attacks and manipulation of work results, such as modifying files.
And how can you succeed in the job without sharp elbows and intrigues? You can convince by good performances and a sure appearance. You only need intrigue if you have nothing else to offer. Make yourself unassailable for your fellow competitors by working effectively and quickly while not bullying others.
And how do I signal over-zealous colleagues that I do not let myself be victimized by their competition? With self-confident appearance and a positive charisma. Not too figure-hugging clothes is hip, rather classic business look. The manners should be very good. Her voice is sure and firm. Neither complain nor moan, but make positive comments. So you leave a self-assured and stylish impression that makes most of the competition types shy away from sneaky actions.