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Hormones from nature: All natural!

  1. In plants there are amazing substances that help with different gynecological problems
  2. Hormones from nature during hot flashes
  3. For skin problems
  4. In weight gain
  5. Nervousness
  6. In case of bladder infection

In plants there are amazing substances that help with different gynecological problems

Help from nature: When the body stops producing hormones, certain plants help with a variety of gynecological problems. We tell you which.

They influence the sleeping behavior, the metabolism and even our aging process: How important hormones are also for the well-being is a fact that many women become aware of when they are missing.

From ages 45 to 50, the ovaries produce fewer and fewer female hormones (estrogens) until they eventually stop working. This conversion process, commonly known as menopause or "climacteric", can take several years and cause unpleasant side effects.

But what helps against it? If you replace the missing hormones, the symptoms can usually be reduced quickly. A therapy with artificial means, however, is out of the question for many women. Because the chemical substances are suspected to cause breast cancer in long-term use.

Although experts today believe that the benefits of hormones outweigh. Nevertheless, they especially advise women under 60 to treat mild ailments without chemicals.

In addition, the replacement therapy is not suitable for every woman. For example, patients with venous diseases, heart problems and high blood pressure should refrain from using synthetic preparations.

With phytochemicals, however, the hormonal balance during menopause can be strengthened naturally in a natural way. Choose the optimal dose with a doctor or pharmacist!

Hormones from nature during hot flashes

Extracts of black cohosh (eg as drops, pharmacy) have a positive influence on body temperature. So they reduce mild to moderate hot flashes. However, a little patience is necessary: ​​the effect often starts after four weeks. Against excessive sweating, additional sage (eg as tea, health food) can be used. Its ingredients inhibit sweat gland activity.

For skin problems

The flowers of red clover contain so-called "isoflavones", which are similar to the body's own hormones. They can alleviate menopausal symptoms. Red clover (eg as capsules, pharmacy) is also known for its skin-care effect: It protects the cells from harmful external influences and thus prevents wrinkles. He also removes minor blemishes.

In weight gain

Crops also contain plant hormones - especially many are in flaxseed. Positive Side Effect: Because the granules swell when combined with water, they are extremely saturated and can slow down the typical weight gain. The full effect of broken seeds (supermarket). In the morning and in the evening one EL z. B. stir in yogurt. Drink at least 1.5 l of fluid daily. Do not take medication at the same time, but at least two hours apart.

With nervousness

Its cones contain plant hormones and essential oils that have a calming effect. Therefore hops (eg as dragees, pharmacy) against restlessness and sleep disturbances are recommended.

In cystitis

Many women are increasingly struggling with bladder infections because of hormonal changes. Capuchin cress (eg fresh juice, health food) can help here as it contains estrogens as well as mustard oils that protect against bacteria.
