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Helene Fischer: Flash wedding on vacation?

Photo: Getty Images

Now it gets serious! Rings, loyalty oaths, behind a small bay, white sandy beach. And a couple kissing intently in the evening light ...

This is exactly what it might look like - if Helene Fischer (29) and Florian Silbereisen (32) would vote for each other in Mallorca.

And friends of the dream couple are sure: They marry secretly on vacation, it will be a lightning wedding ! The evidence is increasing ...

But in turn: This week Helene baptizes in Hamburg the cruise steamer "My ship 3". Then she can rest, because her tour begins on 25 September. Also Florian has just completed his "summer party" in the ARD. With the "Mein Schiff 3" they could travel together only to Portugal and then to Mallorca. On the Spanish island, the singer and the entertainer have a home that they enjoy too rarely.

Would not it be great to flutter relaxed here? Especially as a special day is due: Helene's 30th birthday on 5 August. Perfect for a flash wedding ...

Margot Hellwig (72) knows both well and can well imagine that one day they will marry: "Why not? I wish them both the time to finally find time for each other."

In addition, both have themselves betrayed that they want to marry once: "I have found the woman for life, " says Florian and Helene raves: "I have the right partner!" Only the right time for a yes-word - that was missing so far.

Conspicuous: In his last show Florian showed for the first time on TV the tattoo on his left upper arm, which shows Helene. It was like a declaration of love to the woman he has been happy with for six years. He also got tips from Marianne and Michael, how a marriage stays happy for a long time. So he is prepared to successfully tie the knot!

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