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Fat women get smart children

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Big butt like smart baby

You have a big butt and strong thighs? That's nothing to be ashamed of. But on the contrary! An American study by the University of Pittsburgh found that fat women give birth to smarter babies than slim women.

The reason is simple. The body fat in the buttocks and thighs has a positive effect on the mental development of the baby. Steven Gaulin and William D. Lassek MD explain in their book, "Why woman need fat, " that Po and Oberschenke store nutrients that are given to the baby while breastfeeding, according to the Huffington Post. Especially for the development of the nervous system a pronounced "problem zone" is important, Dr. Lassek.

David Bainbridge, a Cambridge University biologist, continues: "These brain-forming breastmilk fats are derived primarily from fats stored in the buttocks and thighs. Women with larger thighs automatically have more of these fats as well. There is even evidence that it makes mother and child smarter. "

You have a flat butt? No panic! The brain development of children is influenced by many factors. Sing to your baby every now and then or treat yourself to a short massage. Even so, you can boost your baby's mental development .

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