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Editor'S Choice

This is the weirdest boy band of all time

Hard to believe what the four guys of the "Balls Dream Band" sing in their song.
Photo: PR

To the top without paradise - that's the "Balls Dream Band"

Four lightly dressed men, one more beautiful than the other. A normal boy band. Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! For what these four guys sing in their song, you will never guess!

Now guess what these boyband brides sing in their new song. A. The beautiful neighbor, in which all four darts fall in love immortal. B. The summer the boys spent together in happy harmony. Or C. A bad separation, which can only cope in the gym, of course, so the top-without-photo. Nööööt. All wrong! Because with the song "Flush to Paradise" ("Rinse yourself into paradise") it's over - no joke - Klosteins!

Behind the "Balls Dream Band" is the company Henkel, who want to promote their WC Frisch Kraft-Aktiv with their viral campaign. The accompanying video? Totally weird!

The Plot: Imagine, you come into the public toilet of a shopping center and there are suddenly waiting for four half-naked men in the jungle! That's exactly what happens to the ladies in this clip, in which the slightly dressed boys of the "Balls Dream Band" sing for them the paradise.

We hope you enjoy watching, shaking your head and laughing!
