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Spring is coming: it's getting warm on the weekend

We almost did not believe it anymore, but on the weekend spring comes : The thermometer climbs to 15 degrees. High Karin and Luisa bring us a sunny Sunday .

Yay! The spring comes
Photo: Istock

Almost in Germany good weather is expected.

After the meteorological spring greeted us with a storm rather than with sunshine, we are looking forward to the first spring weekend of this year. Diploma geographer Felix Werbelow of reveals that great spring weather is waiting for us: "On Sunday, the clouds loosen up and it often shines the sun, the temperatures reach 8 to 15 degrees."

Saturday is still cloudy, but on Sunday it opens and the nice weather comes directly from France. Almost all over Germany, temperatures are climbing in the double digits. The expected peak: 15 degrees . Especially Berlin and Hamburg can look forward to a whopping nine hours of sunshine. It gets hot especially along the Rhine and in the Berlin and Brandenburg area.

And the great thing about it: The nice weather could stay with us for the next week. The whole of March shows ambitions to be a great spring month with lots of sun. We are curious and get the summer jacket out!

Anyone who is already worried about his hay fever: We have the best tips to prevent hay fever.

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