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Cappuccino Cake: Delicious Coffee Love

Photo: RFF

Cheesecake with coffee aroma

Cappuccino cake - more coffee love is not! A biscuit base and a delicate cream - this cappuccino cheese cake is the highlight on the coffee table.

Cappuccino only for breakfast? Not with us! We enjoy the Italian coffee specialty also in the afternoon and look forward to an unbeatable delicious Cappuccino cake.

Our favorite coffee-gossip combination: a piece of cheese cake and a cup of cappuccino - all combined in a very special sweetness. A crunchy biscuit bottom and a delicate cream - that's how Italian coffee tastes with us.

The special: 18 fine hazelnut chocolates that make their way through our cappuccino cake. Quick and easy to prepare - La Dolce Vita!

Cappuccino cake recipe

Ingredients (12 pieces)

150 g Amarettini biscuits, 65 g butter, 2 tsp cocoa powder, 500 g mascarpone, 125 g crème fraîche, 125 g sugar, 3 eggs, 10 g coffee powder, 18 scoops of hazelnut biscuits, 100 g sour cream, 1 pinch of cinnamon, oil for the mold, 1 freezer bag


1. Place the biscuits in a freezer bag and crumble finely with the rolling pin. Melt the butter, remove from the heat and leave to cool for about 5 minutes. Mix butter, 1 teaspoon cocoa powder and amarettini. Coat the bottom of a springform (20 cm Ø) with oil. Distribute the crumb mass and press to a flat bottom. Approximately Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

2. Mix mascarpone, crème fraîche, 100 g of sugar and eggs with the whisk of the hand mixer. Add coffee powder and stir. Pour some cheese mass on the cake floor. Distribute hazelnut biscuits on top. Pour remaining cheese mixture over it (do not be scared, hazelnut balls float upwards and spread over the surface!). Bake in the preheated oven (electric stove: 175 ° C / circulating air: 150 ° C / gas: see manufacturer) for about 1 hour. Take the cake out of the oven. Immediately loosen the edge and bottom of the mold and allow to cool on a wire rack for about 3 hours. Sour cream and 25 g of sugar until smooth and spread on the cake. Cook the cake again for about 30 minutes. Just before serving stir 1 tsp of cocoa powder and cinnamon and sprinkle with cake.

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