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Andrea Kathrin Loewig: Again no luck with men

Andrea Kathrin Loewig
Photo: Getty Images

"Friendship Star"

Unfortunately, we did not succeed in making love grow out of our infatuation ", TV-favorite Andrea Kathrin Loewig (43, " In all Friendliness ") regrets her love-out now in the" Bunte "interview: After only one year of relationship The blonde and the media consultant Rainer C. Herzmann (48) separated again. It would have the television doctor but so much desired that she has finally found the right one! Finally, the couple seemed happy. And the "new man on Mama's side" also seemed willing to take over the father role for Andrea Kathrin's daughter Josephine Emilia (2). The little one is the result of a hot night - who the father is, but does not want to betray her mother to this day. But the little family broke up before she could really grow together. Herzmann says: "We have dwelt apart!" Did the two have too little time for each other? Andrea Kathrin Loewig: "We have not even managed to make a holiday together." But the separation does not seem to make them quite so sad. Tears did not exist, she says in an interview, stressing that she is back: "I'm flirting, that's a sure sign!" And it will not be long before the heart of "Frau Doktor" loves again. .. To the biography of Andrea Kathrin Loewig.

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