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Everyday life of a mother Mother love: Today my son just needed me

Every mother knows this moment when the kindergarten or school calls and informs that the child is ill and has to be picked up. Besides caring for the child always a stupid situation when you're at work ...

Mother love knows no bounds - even if one is annoyed
Photo: Istock

Kara Lawler knows this feeling: on Facebook, she shared open and emotional words about what it means to get a mother out of the job when the child is sick.

"My morning had just started and I drove into the parking lot of the school where I worked as an English teacher when I got a phone call, my son, whom I dropped off at school only an hour ago, felt sick and wanted to be picked up He begged me to pick him up.

It took a while for me to handle everything in my school. After about 30 minutes I picked him up. He greeted me with the words, "I missed you, Mum." And my big-boy took my hand immediately.

When I arrived home, I had a snack and gave him something to drink. I quickly realized that he was not as "sick" as he was at school any more. I really tried not to be mad at it and to hold back my feelings. And then his hands fell to me. For some reason, I could not stop staring at his hands.

Suddenly I realized how big my little boy already is. The baby fat has disappeared. His arms and legs get muscles. His pants are too short and his hair gets darker. All these things remind me that my baby is already seven years old. Only his hands still remind me of my little boy.

And as he sat there watching me eat his bread and wondering if he was not just hungry instead of sick, his hands reminded me that my boy still needs his mom. And for whatever reason, he just had to hold my hand today. And for almost the rest of the day, we just sat there and held his hand.

Later, my son wrote me a poem. When he gave it to me, he said he did not feel sick anymore.

'You say you love me.

I love you much more.

I love you 100 times + 44 times more.

You are my best friend'

It was clear to me, my son needed me today. And although we both know that such a day is a total exception, I am glad that my son knows that I always come when he needs me. Although he will never like my job, it is a great honor for me to always be there for him. And on days like this, I appreciate all the more that his baby hands turn more and more into a man's.

That's why I want you to keep the hand of someone you love a while longer tonight. "
