Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Warning about Alcohol AbuseBefore her father killed her, this girl wrote a letter to Jack

"Dear Jack, I would like to ask you a favor: disappear from our lives!" Just before her father kills her, this girl writes this incredible letter.

A warning about alcohol abuse that goes to the heart

Alcohol can destroy life. And not just the life of the drinker himself.

The film wants to draw attention to this. He tells of a (probably fictional) letter that a little girl should have written shortly before her violent death by her father. To a whiskey maker she calls Jack. Whether his last name is "Daniels", can only guess.

The girl describes how her father has changed since "Jack" came into his life. How he less and less cared for his family and became more and more aggressive.

If you also feel like you can not drink without alcohol, or you know someone whose alcohol consumption you are worried about, there are many qualified counseling centers near you. On the side of "Alcohol, Know Your Limit" you can search centrally.

Use them - before it's too late.


The letter from sunshine-susi

"Dear Jack, I would like to ask you a favor: disappear from our lives!" Just before her father kills her, this girl writes this incredible letter.

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