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Tokio Hotel: Photo ban for Bill's underweight?

Is Bill Kaulitz too thin for the camera?


Bill Kaulitz / ©

Was it not possible to take pictures of Bill Kaulitz because he is too thin? The management of Tokio Hotel has published strict editions on the photography of the band before the concert in Vienna on March 31st. A paparazzo complains on "": "We have to have every photo to be reprinted in a newspaper, blessed by the management." The local press had to sign an agreement in which committed the respective photographer, the photos before The youthful fans of the Magdeburg rockers and their theatrical collaborators, so-called roadies, were not allowed to be photographed.The band has been performing in Austria for four years and only slightly thrilled the critics. "" describes this Concert as an "equally professional and passionless pop show". "Die Presse" speaks of "dwindling voice volume" of 21-year-old frontman Bill Kaulitz, who stood in the skin-tight black leather costume on the futuristic stage. Recently, it was repeatedly rumored that he would be thinner with the growing international success of Tokio Hotel - Maybe that's why the eccentric star with the artificial fingernails and the manga hairstyle was suspected of suffering from an eating disorder, and he even fired the rumor mill when he admitted he was more likely to "Sometimes I do not eat anything all day and just drink coffee, " Kaulitz explained. Allegedly, the native of Leipzig weighs only 50 kilograms with a height of about 1.83 m. However, he asserted in an interview that he was perfectly healthy. "There's nothing wrong with that talk, no one has to worry about it, " he says. "I eat - preferably everything that is baked, like casseroles, and sweets."
