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Definition, Causes and Symptoms of Syringomyelia

Syringomyelia is a painful spinal cord disease. The brain and spinal cord are also referred to as the central nervous system. It controls all body processes. For example, if we want to raise our hands, the brain sends a command to the spinal nerves. These then lead him to the arm muscles. The central nervous system is surrounded by an aqueous substance that protects it from the outside. If this spinal fluid can not circulate freely, it builds up and forms cavities. There are no longer any functional nerve cells, so there are long-term deficits, the syringomyelia . It is not the size of the cavities that is crucial for the symptoms, but their location.

Syringomyelia is caused by congenital malformations, injuries, inflammations or tumors. Sometimes syringomyelia progresses rapidly, in other cases only slowly - or suddenly syringomyelia stops. Often the cervical and thoracic spine is affected: it comes to pain in the arms, shoulders or head. In addition, in the case of syringomyelia, disorders of the sense of touch and the perception of injuries, heat and cold are possible. Wounds are often not noticed. In some cases of syringomyelia, sufferers can feel badly where their hands or legs are. Some Syringomyelia sufferers also suffer from circulatory disorders, digestive problems and paralysis.

Treatment of syringomyelia

A syringomyelia can not be completely cured, but stopped by surgical procedures. Also helpful in syringomyelia are physiotherapy, massages, relaxation methods and pain therapy.

Prevention and self-help with syringomyelia

There are few possibilities to prevent a syringomyelia. If you suffer from the syringomyelia, it helps to use patient training and to exchange in self-help groups.
