This is how the constant groping for the celebrities feels
One look ... one click ... and the selfie is made with the favorite celebrity! But how stupid the whole Self-portrait-Knipserei feels for the star, Kirsten Dunst shows in this funny video.
There was a time when it was the biggest thing for fans to get their star's autograph. Then came the smartphone with front camera and let the scribbled on hieroglyphs look quite old.
The typical fan-meets celebrity moment looks like this today: Fan sees Star, pulls out his phone, presses against the cheek of the opposite and click, already the selfie is in the box. Or rather: in the smartphone. No big talk, no "May I, would you please?" - Ask. The selfie is direct, otherwise you would never have come so close to a VIP so fast, so bluntly. And while the celebrity still wipes his cheek from the direct physical contact with a stranger, the fan has posted his image long ago in all social networks and is happy about the rising like number.
In the funny video "ASPIRATIONAL", actress Kirsten Dunst sums it up with the help of director Matthew Frost . In the clip, she meets two follower-hungry fans, the Kristen Dunst as a piece of selfie meat. Very entertaining!
The full video "ASPIRATIONAL" with Kirsten Dunst is available here:
ASPIRATIONAL from Matthew Frost on Vimeo.