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Pain that only women can understand

Photo: iStock
  1. There is pain that men simply can not understand
  2. Men can not understand this pain
  3. Suffering that women know better than men

There is pain that men simply can not understand

No, we do not want to say that men are not in pain. But let's face it: there are ailments that men can never really understand, even if they want to.

Men can not understand this pain

Abdominal pains

At least once a month, we have to deal with cramps and stinging pains that sometimes feel like some unfortunate women feel as if they've been punched in the gut (but only roughly), and as if someone's walking parallel with them Practice the game 'Thousand Pins'. It is then just her abdomen and not her arm twisted. And what do we do? Nevertheless, we continue to smile, although we would prefer to forgive ourselves and move quickly to the horizontal.

Tension in the chest

Uh, also very unpleasant! Many women complain of tense pains in the breasts especially shortly before and during their period. The breast becomes heavier (and often bigger) and particularly sensitive. Even wearing a bra can be painful. Doctors speak of mastodynia in the case of regular chest pain. Similarly, the tensions in the chest are about the pain that you feel when you have a really bad bruise on your breasts and is pressed on this again and again. Even nastier: the combination of tension pain and abdominal pain. Ouch ...

Rule-related back pain

Here is to say at the beginning: Yes, men also have back pain. But if these are related to women in their period, they still feel a little different, right? The pain is very deep and can not be completely eliminated. Woman knows very well that not her sitting position, but simply her monthly rule is to blame for the mess. A proven aid is and remains the good old hot water bottle. Even though she can not do anything about the cause.

Birth pains and labor

With this kind of pain, there is really absolutely no need for discussion. The pain that women have to endure during childbirth has no equivalent and is certainly one of the most intense pain a person can experience. While exerting incredibly heavy pressure on the abdomen, one feels as if the usual period pain has multiplied by x. But: After the birth, the pain is over and usually forgotten instantly.

On top of that. Aside from the ailments described above, there are other ailments that men have to undergo as well, but which affect us women much more often .

Suffering that women know better than men


First of all, we would like to clear up here with the cliché, which unfortunately is far too widespread, that women would like to use migraines as an excuse. Anyone who has to deal with this pain knows that there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. Especially side effects such as light-sensitive eyes or visual failures should make it clear how lucky it is to estimate that they are not among the nearly 18 million migraine sufferers in Germany. However, it is not a cliché that women are more likely to suffer from migraines than men. In fact, they are affected about 50 percent more frequently.

bladder infection

Unfortunately, women also have more problems with bladder infections. The reason for this is the shorter urethra, through which pathogens can enter the urinary bladder more quickly. In addition, the urethra and intestinal exit are closer together in women, so that intestinal bacteria can get there more easily, where they do not belong. In men under 50, bladder infections are rare. However, over 50 the prostate may be enlarged, causing the urethra to narrow. As a result, the urine can also collect pathogens in the bladder and urethra.

Incidentally, women also need a higher dose of painkillers to be completely painless. For example, a Colombian research group found that after surgery, women needed a higher dose of morphine to feel a significant relief of the pain. In men, the average dose was 0.08 mg / kg. On the other hand, women only noticed an improvement at 0.12 mg / kg.
