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Gastritis: definition, causes and symptoms

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. A-gastritis is due to a defective immune response. This so-called "autoimmune disease" causes a vitamin D deficiency. B-gastritis is caused by an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. But many carry this bacterium without gastritis . In the case of C-gastritis, chemical substances such as alcohol or medicines trigger gastritis. Excessive production of spicy digestive juices can also be responsible for gastritis. The gastritis is then noticeable mainly by stomach pain, for example, after a lush or difficult to digest food.

Irritants such as alcohol, nicotine and medications may also be responsible for gastritis, such as harmful dietary habits, stress, an immune disorder or infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. You should thoroughly cure a gastritis and prevent relapses, so that no chronic disease or gastric ulcer can develop. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and pressure in the upper abdomen are the most common signs of acute gastritis. In contrast, when gastritis has become chronic, the symptoms are often mild.

Gastritis: treatment

How to treat a gastritis If you have stomach ache after a meal that is difficult to digest, that is, only mild gastritis, a longer walk is often enough to alleviate the symptoms. Natural remedies such as chamomile tea can also relieve symptoms of gastritis. In more severe cases of gastritis, a doctor must be consulted who can prescribe remedies that calm the stomach. When bacterial germs are the cause of gastritis, they are destroyed by drug therapy. With gastroscopy, a stomach diagnosis is made by a tube-like instrument inserted into the esophagus. So a suitable therapy for the gastritis can be found.

Gastritis: prevention and self-help

In order to prevent gastritis, one should be particularly careful with pleasure poisons such as alcohol. Also, coffee can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause gastritis - so it should be taken only in moderation. You should also eat in peace and chew every bite for a long time. A wholesome diet counteracts gastritis as a preventative measure. It is generally better to eat several small portions throughout the day than to eat a few large ones.

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