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Mold on bread and jam - just cut away?

Photo: iStock
  1. How dangerous is mold really?
  2. What makes mold dangerous?
  3. Where is mold especially critical?
  4. Which mold is most toxic?
  5. Is it enough to cut the mold?
  6. Does moldy white goose mold?
  7. How do I prevent mold?

How dangerous is mold really?

Throwing food in the trash - nobody wants that. But sometimes it has to be: when mold has taken root. Because he can be dangerous. The treacherous: He often works in secret.

What makes mold dangerous?

All mold fungi make poisonous metabolic products, so-called mycotoxins, which are not tasted, but which can damage the liver and kidneys - who is repeatedly exposed to these toxins, harms the liver, nerves and kidney, also increases the risk of cancer. By the way, cooking does not kill the spores.

Where is mold especially critical?

Mold always forms on the surface of food - because it needs oxygen to grow. He loves damp heat. And it spreads very fast on all foods that contain a lot of water, such as fruit, compote, juices, vegetables. The same applies to soft, fresh and cut cheeses, yoghurt and dairy products. Here, the entire product must be disposed of - because even if only a small spot is visibly moldy, the poison may already have spread further. In the case of bread, that's just the same: when a corner is attacked, it's better to throw it all away.

Which mold is most toxic?

Nuts and almonds, pistachios and peanuts - especially those from tropical countries - are extremely vulnerable. The risk increases, the finer they are chopped or ground. The mold, which grows on nuts, releases the toxic and highly cell-damaging substance Aflatoxin. Here, therefore, great caution is required. Preventively nuts and almonds preferably unpeeled, but at least buy in the whole and grind just before use. If you bite on a bitter-tasting nut or almond: do not swallow it, but spit it out better!

Is it enough to cut the mold?

No, usually not. Because mold forms invisible threads, which later condense into a visible carpet. Only with jam with over 63% sugar content and with apples you can cut away the moldy place very (!) Generously.

Does moldy white cheese mold?

Some think Gorgonzola or Roquefort could not mold. Not correct! Although the blue-green noble mold itself is non-toxic, but it may still be a second, harmful mold zuzugesellen. You recognize him by a white fluff. The cheese becomes greasy, it forms a yellowish film.

How do I prevent mold?

For fruits, sort the fruits under pressure, wash the others under running water and dry if possible. Mildew likes it warm and humid, so keep everything as dry and cool as possible. Store ground nuts and perishable fruits in the refrigerator.

A little tip: A sliced ​​apple keeps bread fresh longer. So you keep your bread nice.

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