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Down syndrom


Definition, Causes and Symptoms of Down Syndrome

Down syndrome (medically: trisomy 21) is a congenital disability that is common throughout the world. It is already produced during the fertilization of an egg in the womb. At the same time, the female and male germ cells merge. Each one usually contains 23 chromosomes with the genes. They are mixed together so that one embryo has 46 chromosomes in each cell. In people with Down's syndrome, there is one chromosome too many: Number 21 is threefold - so they have a total of 47 chromosomes.

The affected children differ from each other in mental as well as physical characteristics. However, Down's syndrome has a very different effect on every person affected. Only a few are mentally handicapped. Many can lead an independent life within limits. Some also practice normal professions. Linguistic and mental abilities are more or less impaired. People with Down syndrome are very different people and often very eager to learn, especially friendly and socially gifted. It can lead to heart defects, malformations of organs, indigestion, visual and hearing impairment or damage to the bone.

Treatment of Down syndrome

Encouragement and loving care are important for people with Down syndrome . In addition, regular check- ups to immediately counteract physical discomfort .

Down syndrome: prevention and self-help

Because Down's syndrome is an inherited disability, there are no preventive measures. However, the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome increases if it is a late-term mother. There is the possibility of antenatal diagnosis (medical: prenatal diagnosis), which can be used to determine whether the child is damaged or not. If the fetus is damaged, the expectant parent is free to stop the pregnancy. However, you should be advised in detail by doctors and experts (for example Pro Familia). People with Down syndrome have ample opportunities to optimally develop their personal desires and abilities, for example in workshops, shared apartments or many other forms of life.

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