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Roses conjure a picturesque, dreamy summer atmosphere

With its thousands of different cultivars, the garden plant cuts a good figure throughout the summer.

From apricot to violet: pure romance for the garden

Roses also have a special charm for the garden. They easily spread a nostalgic-romantic flair and exude a wonderful fragrance.

No other garden plant evokes so many associations with the most romantic stories, the most charming fragrances and the most beautiful colors like the rose. If you want a dreamy atmosphere à la Sleeping Beauty Castle for your personal outdoor oasis - be it on the balcony, in the garden or on the terrace - Rosen is the perfect choice. They are available in more than 30, 000 varieties and countless colors.

Whether flowering, climbing or shrub rose, filled or simple flowers, strong or delicate colors: roses are a guarantee for a magical, picturesque atmosphere. Many varieties bloom throughout the summer and thus provide a never-ending feeling of romantic summer days.

You should pay attention to these care tips

Roses prefer a sunny, airy location. In summer, your soil should be kept sufficiently moist, so that the plant does not dry out. But it does not always have to be poured every morning or evening: if the plant is rooted in the soil, it will last once or twice a week. Both in the bed and in the pot, the leaves should always have enough opportunity to dry. It is fertilized only until the end of July, otherwise the winter develops into soft shoots that would freeze too much.

If you like to plant your roses in pots or boxes, you should choose a bunch of roses or a small bed rose. The planters should be big enough, because the rose likes a bit more space. A climbing rose should therefore never be planted directly on a wall, but with about 40 cm distance to it.

All rose lovers should also know that, contrary to popular usage, roses do not have thorns but spines. They protect the roses from being eaten by animals and help certain species, such as climbing roses, cling to walls, grids or scaffolding. The difference between spikes and thorns botanically seen is that spines sit on the outside of the plant and can easily be broken off without injuring the plant. On the other hand, thorns, such as those found in cacti, are so closely associated with the plant that they can not be easily removed without harming them.

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