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Touching Vodafone Advertisement: Granddaughter works Bucket List for Grandpa

Photo: Screenshot / Vodafone Germany

What would you like to have achieved in life?

In a new ad from Vodafone, a granddaughter fulfills her grandfather's wish: she works his bucket list off. Particularly touching is the last destination on the list ...

What would you like to have done in your life? Many people hold their life goals on a bucket list, which they mark off point by point over the years. But what if age makes you sick and suddenly you feel too weak?

This is how the protagonist of the current Vodafone advertising is doing . The grandfather still has some points on his list. But when his granddaughter learns about it, she takes matters into her own hands and embarks on a journey to the life goals of her grandfather.

The granddaughter shies from nothing. She masters a looping flight as well as jumping from the ten meter board. The nice thing is that your grandfather is always there live. Over the Internet, he follows every step of his granddaughter, experiencing every aspect of his bucket list.

The girl travels around the world and her grandfather travels with her. The granddaughter courageously works off every goal until only one remains. The granddaughter sets out to meet the great love of her grandfather. When she actually sits with the said lady in the living room and the two communicate via the Internet, not only is the grandfather overwhelmed by his feelings.

The touching ad now goes around the world. It also encourages viewers to face the question Vodafone poses: what would you do if you could do anything?


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