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Silica: miracle weapon silicon

Do you suffer from circular hair loss? Silica can help here as well.
Photo: iStock

Silica for hair, skin and bones

Silica helps build hair and nails. New studies prove that silica can do more! Silicon protects against brittle bones and dementia.

It is one of the oldest minerals in the world. People have been using silica for thousands of years to do something for their health and well-being. At that time it was instinctive, because only in the last decades has science deciphered the secret of health. Silica is the most important constituent of silica, which in turn contains the trace element silicon that is indispensable for the human body. This can also be found in every single body cell, especially those of hair, skin, nails, brain and bones.

Silicon ensures a sufficient water balance in the tissue and thus supports the supply of vital nutrients to the skin cells. The skin becomes firmer and firmer. The silica also plays a special role in the construction of hair and nails . Because it is able to form those reticular structures that stabilize this horny substance.

Silica protects against brittle bones and dementia

Research also shows that brittle bones contain too little silica . Brand new is a study that has shown that silica can even protect against dementia . Silica preparations are available as powders and capsules in pharmacies and drugstores. Also some healing waters contain it.

Only two to three months

Silica is silicon. If taken permanently for months, it can cause permanent kidney stones. Therefore, siliceous preparations should not be taken for more than two to three months at a time.

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