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Family Dogs: You must know this before purchasing a dog

Family dogs are great - but the responsibility is not to be underestimated!
Photo: Corbis
  1. Family member on four paws
  2. Family dogs need a run out
  3. What to do while traveling?
  4. Family dogs cost ...
  5. Family dogs need education
  6. >> The perfect family dogs: This dog is right for you

Family member on four paws

Family dogs are great! But before buying a dog you should know a lot about care and race behavior. We clarify!

The dog is the best friend of man. A family dog ​​also needs a lot of attention and care. Cuddling, education, exercise - all this family dogs want from you.

Family dogs need a run out

It's a romantic idea to walk through the woods in a blue sky with your dog. But unfortunately, the sun does not always shine. Your four-legged friends are not interested in wind and weather - he wants to get out and not just once a day. Whether in the morning cold or in the evening in the autumn twilight. That can be annoying. Therefore, it would be ideal to live near a park or in the countryside. Then it will be easier to allow your animal species-appropriate outlet.

What to do while traveling?

Even during the holiday season, your new darling wants to be taken care of. If you travel by car, you can take it with you if the hotel allows dogs. When traveling by air it is already more difficult. Maybe you have someone in the family or in the circle of acquaintances who looks after your four-legged friend during the holidays. That would be ideal, of course. If not, you should consider a solution to this problem even before you buy a dog. There may be a suitable pet board in your area. But beware, it costs about 20 euros a day.

Family dogs cost ...

With the acquisition of dog basket, bowl, leash and collar is not enough. What really goes into the money, the running costs . How much your dog eats depends on its size. As can already 600 euros a year come together. For vaccinations, you should budget 70 euros. If your dog gets sick, the vet bill will be much higher. The annual dog tax varies from place to place, between 20 and 160 euros for the first dog. The liability insurance depends on the breed.

Family dogs need education

Anyone who has ever looked into the cute eyes of a puppy who knows how hard it is to knock something off him. But with negligence you do him and in the long run no favor. The best way to find a dog school is to learn from professionals how to treat your dog lovingly but firmly. Consequence is the alpha and omega in dog training, and the size of the dog does not matter. A chihuahua can be just as rebellious as a labrador or a dachshund.

>> The perfect family dogs: This dog is right for you

Not only the appearance, but also the character properties have to be right. And they vary from race to race ... Some races are better suited than family dogs.


If you are an active person and you like long walks, you are in the right place with a Labrador. Because he needs a lot of exercise - in any weather . He is a loving family dog ​​who likes to be in the company of its owners. He can stay alone for a few hours, but he needs a lot of attention and attention.


If the race does not matter to you and you just want a simple, robust four-legged friend, a mixed race could be the perfect choice for you. In that case, look closely at the parents of the mongrel. In them, you can roughly see how big the puppy once becomes and what qualities or dispositions he could have inherited from them.

West Highland Terrier

The bundle of energy demands a lot of attention from its owners. Whether games, walks or pats - he just never gets enough. With his charming nature, he is the ideal family dog, as long as he is properly educated. Because the "Westie" needs a strong hand, otherwise he likes to go with his head through the wall.


Although he is one of the smaller quadrupeds, the dachshund needs a consistent education. Because he is known for his stubbornness and the tendency to make nonsense. He needs a lot of exercise, because otherwise he quickly increases and beats on his joints. Anyone who is aware of this will have a lot of fun with the intelligent, lively family member.
