Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Apricot colored carnation bouquet and accessories

  • 10 cloves in apricot rosé
  • 2 cloves in white-rose
  • about 3 stems branched mini roses z.

      B. "Minieden" in pink
    • 5 stems Ammi majus (cartilaginous)
    • Vase or matching pitcher (eg from IB Laursen)
    • secateurs
    • knife

    1. Free the stems of the flowers from excess green.

    2. Assemble flowers to a mixed bouquet, making the stems spirally.

    3. Shorten the bouquet to the vase length with the rose scissors.

    4. Cut the ends of the stems diagonally for better water absorption.

    5. Put the bouquet loose in the water-filled vase.

    6. If necessary fill a small single vase with water and a single clove and put it there.

    Tip: Always cut carnations between the nodes, otherwise they will not be able to get an optimal water supply.

    Bring stems of Ammi majus to a boil for better shelf life.

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