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Wissen10 Facts about the bubble

The bubble is something like our inner balloon. When empty, it is flat, like a disc, but as soon as urine enters, it expands and becomes a sphere. This is just one of the ten facts about the bubble that we would like to introduce to you.

Photo: iStock // janulla

1. The bladder is a reservoir for around one liter of water.

If you think of this amount as a figurative form of a 1L bottle, that is actually a pretty big capacity for an inner organ.

2. Already with a filling of 250 ml urine rank is clearly noticeable.

From a capacity of 300 ml, we must visit a toilet at the latest, because the urination is then very pronounced.

3. We empty our bladder 4 to 6 times a day on average.

This means that we have to go to the quiet place about every 4 hours. Of course, it always depends on how much we have drunk throughout the day.

4. An adult produces about 1.5 liters of urine a day.

Of course, it all depends on whether he has drunk little or enough. Depending on the amount is less or more lush.

5. Urine consists of 95 percent water.

The rest are urea, uric acid and creatinine.

6 . The urethra of a woman is 4 cm long.

This makes it considerably shorter than the 20 cm men. Because of this, women are also much more susceptible to bladder infections and other urinary tract infections. They are about 4 times more likely to struggle with it than men.

7. About 5 to 10 percent of all women in Germany suffer from chronic cystitis.

This is not only very unpleasant, but also stressful in everyday life. Fortunately, there are special insoles that give women a safer feeling when they are on the move.

8. Women suffer twice as often from a weak bladder.

Among other things, this can be related to the birth of a child.

9. About 7 to 8 million Germans have bladder weakness - about one in ten.

Thus, involuntary urine loss is as common as hay fever and migraine.

10. More than 50 percent of sufferers do not use bladder weakness products.

More than half automatically access what they find in their bathroom cabinet. These are usually the usual panty liners and sanitary napkins. However, these products are not made for the intake of urine and therefore provide only insufficient protection.
