Promotional slogans from lingerie company Blush Berlin
The lingerie label blush Berlin loves to provoke - and thus shows how political underwear can be. The latest advertising campaign plays with the wiretapping scandal around Edward Snowden. We show the pictures.
A pretty woman smiles at us in the transparent bodice, swinging around a heavy knit cardigan. Over her shoulders fall the brown curls, her eyes are lascivious. A normal lingerie campaign, right? If there was not the saying that emblazoned next to the model: "Dear Barack, is this the reason to keep on spying Berlin?" ("Dear Barack, is that the reason Berlin continues to spy on you?"). Behind it is the capital label Blush Berlin, founded in 2001 by Claudia Kleinert.
Keywords such as Edward Snowden, surveillance, NSA or PRISM have dominated the headlines for more than a year. Berlin-based lingerie label blush Berlin is taking advantage of this interception scandal with two advertising motifs.
In 2007, Claudia Kleinert switched the first "political" ad for blush Berlin: First, a picture from Ursula von der Leyen's living room with the company logo, then a laundry motif with the words "Dear Swiss, do you really want to keep me out? ", a poster with" Dear Christian, transparency goes "next to a model with a transparent top or the saying" Dear USA, no wonder you want to fuck the EU "on a lingerie photo as an allusion to US diplomat Victoria Nuland, who attracted attention with her "Fuck the EU" phone call.
Blush Berlin not only makes beautiful lingerie - playful fabrics, sensual cuts and anything but porn - but also brings us with his politically motivated advertising messages even to smile.