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Victoria of Sweden: She becomes queen!

A new blackmail scandal shakes the crown

The whole country was so confident! The excitement over the pregnancy of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden (34) pushed the embarrassing sex affair of King Carl Gustaf (65) in the background.

It was hoped that the story of Schmuddle would finally be forgotten ... But the joy lasted only briefly. A dirty blackmail scandal from the environment of King Carl Gustaf shakes the country and the crown again. Does he really have to abdicate now? Then Crown Princess Victoria becomes queen . But it pays a high price ... A few months ago, the journalist Nuri Kino reported in his book of revelation that the royal friend Anders Lettström had commissioned Serbian mobsters to buy piquant photos of the king with prostitutes. To get the pictures "safe". But now, according to the Swedish newspaper "Expressen", Lettström himself was blackmailed by the mafia. But even if this time is not directly about King Carl Gustaf, the nightmare is back for the family, because the king is again associated with criminals. The proximity to the Serbian mafia could be his fate. Months ago, the Swedish TV station SVT asked the explosive question: "Is the king still fit for office?" Many Swedes are fed up with these embarrassments. They want again a monarchy that they can be proud of, without scandals, with a healthy, happy family. And that can only reach Victoria. That's why she could become queen, faster than she thought. But what will happen to the baby ? Pregnancy is a time that women want to consciously enjoy. Set up the nursery, feel the baby for the first time, buy cute baby clothes. And then, when the child is first in the world, spend every minute with the little one and show him: I'm here for you. Naturally! That's what Crown Princess Victoria is supposed to be like every other (expecting) mother. But once she wears the crown, her life will no longer be the same: travel, state receptions, more responsibility - many painful hours without the child. Her aunt Princess Birgitta (74) knows exactly what that means: "It will be hard for her to work and at the same time be a mother."

And Crown Princess Victoria herself has also experienced what it's like when the parents are constantly on the move. In an interview, she recalled, "Well, I've missed her (her parents, editor's note) a lot." And in her book "Victoria, Victoria, " she said, "That was always so sad when they left (...). Actually, I understand now only our reactions, and why it affected us so that they had to work all the time. " Your child would like to spare the princess this experience in the early years. But she also knows that when the time comes, she will be there for her country. And a young, modern woman like her is sure to be there for both Sweden and her cute baby at the same time.

Hach, that was nice! There is a DVD wedding from the wedding of Victoria of Sweden and her Prince Daniel. Here you can buy the DVD online at

>> Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden gets a baby! >> Victoria of Sweden , what will be the baby name?
