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Contraceptive: Which suits you?

Finding the right contraceptive can be difficult
Photo: Thinkstock

You should know that

Pill, spiral, condom - clear, contraceptives we know so many. Only: which is the right one? Many women are not so sure.

Often, in the course of life, the requirement for the contraceptive changes. Particularly reliable, very gentle, very flexible - what we expect most of all depends on our phase of life. And of age.

For example, the pill, the most popular contraceptive, increases the risks of side effects over the years.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense to ask ourselves again and again, whether our current contraceptive even fits in with us.

The Pearl index says how many of the 100 women who use the method for one year still become pregnant. Simple rule of thumb: The smaller the index, the safer the means.

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