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Stefanie Hertel: She will be aunt for the eighth time!

Stefanie Hertel and her family have every reason to be happy.
Photo: Getty Images

She knows how important the family is

A baby brings us a piece of heaven to earth. Stefanie Hertel (33) knows this too. The singer ("Moment Mal!") Loves her daughter Johanna (11) above all else. And soon there will be a new addition to her family!

Because: Your sister Kathrin (42), should again expect a baby. It would be kid number eight! That is, Stefanie would become an aunt for the eighth time. A wonderful news for everyone. Also for Stefanie's dad Eberhard (74).

The singer ("We celebrate life today") is a passionate grandpa! "I've always dreamed of having a big family and this dream has come true, " he says, raging at home in Oelsnitz (Saxony) Grandpa loves to walk around the garden with his granddaughters and grandchildren. "That keeps me young, " he says happily.

And his wife Elisabeth (62) loves the whole gang of rattles, which will be even bigger from July. Surely even Aunt Stefanie can hardly wait for the new earthlings. However, the musician is currently on the road a lot: just brought her own Dirndl collection on the market and in October starts her first own tour! She also told us that she will play in the musical "The Spirit of Christmas" at the end of the year. A full program!

With her partner Lanny (38), who has been at her side for two years, she will visit her sister as often as possible. Because the family and their duties as an aunt are - in spite of the great success - for them in the first place.

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