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Funny: puppy wants to welcome baby

Photo: Screenshot / Rumble Viral

Dog Hüpfparade

This puppy can not wait to greet the new baby. Excited he jumps up and down like a ball!

When a baby is born, hardly anyone can expect to see the newbie. So and no different it is also with the little Isabelle- friends, family and dog Billy want to welcome the little one as soon as possible in the world. Wait a minute - even the dog is happy? Indeed! After everyone has been allowed to take a look at the baby, the puppy can hardly wait to greet the new family member himself.

Since he is not lifted, he takes his luck even in the paws. Excited, the puppy tries to jump to the baby on the bed . Up and down and up and down Billy leaps like a gummi and does not give up. Baby Isabelle watches the goings on with big eyes and wonders what being is and what it is about.

All the attempts of the puppy to greet the baby are in vain, he is probably even a little too small - maybe Mum helps after all .


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