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Power of Art: Henna helps sick women

Photo: Screenshot / Henna Heals

Henna Heals

Whether long mane, short bob or corkscrew curls - women love their hair. The hairstyle is cherished and cared for, a voluntary life with bald head is inconceivable for most people. But what if you have no choice and the disease robs your hair? For many women, self-esteem disappears with the head of hair. They no longer feel right and wrong.

On the other hand, Francis Darvin is fighting. The Canadian photographer wants to give ill women back their self-confidence - in the form of henna. "I firmly believe in the power of art, " she recently told the Huffington Post USA in an interview. That's why, three years ago, she created the organization " Henna Heals, " consisting of 150 artists worldwide. They have made it their mission to paint sick women individual patterns of henna on the head. With the natural color grows the strength of women - they feel beautiful again. People who shunned the camera out of shame are now proud to be photographed by Francis Darvin with their new body art.

A bald head most people associate with cancer. Some of the women who contact the organization actually have chemotherapy behind them. But many suffer from another, more unknown disease: alopecia. An autoimmune disease causes those affected to become bald in no time - the body fights its own hair. The condition is not life-threatening, yet it robs many women of their lives: their self-esteem.

Irrespective of the condition, hair loss represents a kind of trauma for many women - and an additional burden on their illness. They are ashamed of looks, of being different. It can also mean something else, which has recently been very impressively demonstrated by this YouTube blogger. That's exactly what "Henna Heals" expresses and wants to help sick women.

The new joie de vivre that can be seen in the video in the eyes of women literally rubs off. " Henna Heals " gives courage to sick people around the world and shows that beauty exists outside social norms. The effect lasts longer than the art. Even if the natural color fades after two weeks, one thing remains: the self-confidence of women.

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