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Is Angela Merkel now lesbian?

In the advertising spot of the magazine Straigt Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel is presented as a lesbian.
Photo: Straight TV

A video supposedly shows Angela Merkel with girlfriend

Angela Merkel as a lesbian? A video supposedly shows the Federal Chancellor in intimate embrace with a woman. What is behind it?

A dimly lit room, soft light, Angela Merkel seems to be standing at the window looking at her cell phone. Suddenly the hand of a young woman lies on her waist. A pretty brunette in a white nightie nestles confidently to the chancellor ...

What are these pictures? Has Angela Merkel become a lesbian now?

But no! The video is an advertising coup of the Berlin lesbian magazine "Straight". The alleged Angela Merkel is of course a double. The spot will draw attention to the first issue of the magazine on July 22. This goal should have reached the magazine.

Editor finds satirical video justifiable

The Straight team hopes to be able to achieve a rethink with Angela Merkel with the spot. Felicia Mutterer, the publisher of the straight magazine, said in an interview with Wunderweib: "We are fundamentally positive about Ms Merkel, but in the same-sex marriage issue, she has a completely contrary opinion on us, because we are for everyone." Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman in Germany, if not the world, and it would be great if someday she changed her mind. "

Felicia Mutterer finds the satirical treatment of the Chancellor to be justifiable as her concern for equal rights is an important message from the point of view of the Straigth team. "Even our double was skeptical at first when we told her about the video idea, and she finally decided to join in, because she also considers marriage a good thing for everyone."

Whether the spot will actually help in the fight for more equal rights for homosexual couples is questionable. Just recently Angela Merkel made it clear in an interview with the creator LeFloid that there are clear limits for equality between homosexual couples and heterosexual couples:

"I am someone who is very strong in our fight against all discrimination. We have already done a lot. Twenty-five years ago, many did not even dare to say that they are gay or lesbian. Thank God we're over it, you can even enter into registered partnerships. For me personally, marriage is the coexistence of man and woman, that's my idea. But I am in favor of registered partnerships, that we have no discrimination in tax law and wherever we still find discrimination, we will continue to reduce it. "

Marriage for men and women, only registered partnerships for gays and lesbians - for Angela Merkel this is not discrimination but only "a difference".

In fact, Angela Merkel has been married to her husband Joachim Sauer since 1998. He conducts research in physical chemistry.

What Mrs. Merkel thinks of the presentation as a lesbian is not known. The CDU headquarters announce that they "do not want to comment on this topic".

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