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Happy ending: Girl rescues paralyzed dog

Photo: facebook / HelpSaveLeo

Help save Leo

Who can resist this dog's look? Seemingly many! Do not you believe? We do not - until we read this incredibly sad story of Leo ...

Hardly in the world, Leo is already fighting for his life. The young puppy is hit by a motorcycle in Thailand. Nobody notices him, nobody helps him. He can not walk, he pulls his hind legs through the beach - until he is discovered by Meagan Penman, a young Canadian model.

Meagan Penman is on vacation right now. She enjoys the turquoise blue sea, the sandy beach. And does not know anything about Leo. His knees are open to the bone, his fur is infected by ticks. The 22-year-old doggie does not hesitate a moment, takes the puppy and takes him to the vet. The diagnosis: a broken back. Leo will be able to walk again, the doctor said.

Meagan contacts all animal rescue stations in the area - without success. Leave Leo behind? No way! "He was in such a dire need, I could not just ignore that, no animal deserves to live that way, " says the 22-year-old. The young woman starts a fundraiser. And finally he can travel to Canada with Leo.

The next problem: Megan is traveling a lot. She can not take care of the dog herself. Back in her homeland she is looking for a new owner. Jamie Marylin Smith becomes aware of Leo and Meagan. "My dog ​​Charlie had died a few weeks earlier, " says Jamie. "I missed Charlie and wanted to do something good, Leo's story fascinated and inspired me."

And indeed - Jamie takes Leo to him, gives him a new home. "He's so cute and full of joy, despite everything that happened to him, " Jamie enthuses. The great thing: Thanks to the donations, the two women could have a wheelchair made for Leo. "He was so excited when we tried him for the first time, " they say. "I was so happy to see him running for the first time and playing catch." A sad story - with a happy ending. Thanks Meagan for so much civil courage.

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