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Foot reflexology: Everything is fine with gentle pressure

By foot reflexology massage for quick relaxation
Photo: iStock

Pain free at bedtime with gentle pressure on these areas of your feet

Our feet have to endure a lot in everyday life. Not only that they have to carry us, no, we additionally strain them with hard asphalt, high shoes, hours running around or sitting. One thing is certain: We expect them a lot, or sometimes too little. With a soothing and relieving reflexology massage we do them in the evening therefore a really big favor - and the rest of the body!

Foot reflexology is a method from Far Eastern alternative medicine and not only for the feet a blessing, because it is assumed that each foot zone can be assigned to a specific body area. By massaging these zones, a pain-relieving and positive influence on the assigned body parts or organs is to be achieved. The numerous nerve cells that run through our feet are stimulated during the massage and also the blood flow is stimulated. While there are no scientific studies showing any effect, many people say they feel more relaxed, less stressed, and painless after such a massage. We think that sounds like something we want to try at least once. This map shows which areas you stimulate through the massage:

Photo: Twitter / FoodTrients

Head The Far East teachings say that the ten tips are directly connected to the head and brain. Anyone who suffers from a headache can probably bring about a pain relief with a massage in this area.

Nacken Who does not know that: A long day in the office comes to an end and the neck hurts. A massage under the big toes should be the key to recovery.

Lungs The middle of the football should be connected to our lungs. People with asthma or shortness of breath are recommended to have a massage in order to feel better.

Heart Many people suffer from circulatory problems. Especially bad it is often in difficult weather conditions. Here it can help to knead the area under the left foot ball regularly.

Liver If you want to have a positive influence on liver function, you should massage the inside of the foot. Small intestine Stimulation of the area below the heel is said to have a regulating effect on digestion, for example, in case of constipation and flatulence.

Lower back It pulls back again? If you know this problem, you can use the massage of the heels.

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