Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Apply Now! We are looking for the Laura Title Woman!

You also want on our cover, like all the other previous title stars? We look forward to your comments!

Apply now and become our Laura title woman!
Photo: iStock / Editorial Laura

Apply! In Hamburg our top stylists, hairdressers and a star photographer are waiting for you. For the best photos of your life! Laugh from the title of our Laura - and surprise your loved ones. Good luck!

So you can join:

If you are between 30 and 40 years old and would like to come to Hamburg for the photo production - we will cover the costs for travel and hotel - then send us by e-mail, whatsapp or post a happy portrait and a full body photo of yourself with age, keyword "Laura title-woman."

They then come up with great pictures every now and again on our cover, tell in the magazine from your life or give other Laura readers tips. Please do not forget your address, e-mail and telephone number.

Closing date is November 20th.




WhatsApp (free): +49151/17479248

Post: Editor Laura "Title Woman" Brieffach 30836, 20077 Hamburg
