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Consequences of pollution: Hummingbird freed from chewing gum

Photo: Screenshot / CutiesNFuzzies

Hummingbird rescue

The consequences of pollution are often forgotten: Animals suffer. Fortunately, this hummingbird can be freed from chewing gum!

In the grass, a man discovers a movement. The tiny creature almost goes under with its similar coloration in the grass. On closer inspection, one recognizes that the greenish shimmering plumage belongs to a hummingbird.

The world's smallest bird is struggling with the consequences of pollution . A human being, as many others do on a daily basis, has carelessly disposed of his chewing gum in nature. He probably did not consider the danger of his thoughtless act for animals. A little hummingbird got caught in the chewing gum . He is stuck and can not fly anymore.

Luckily, the tiny bird is discovered by a savior. The man gently releases the hummingbird in the video from the gum sticking to its feathers.

Before the next time the gum is carelessly spit out, one should remember the consequences of the disrespectful behavior of the environment. Innocent animals like the little hummingbird suffer from environmental pollution.


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