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Prince Albert's daughter, Jazmin Grace, has the ABI in her pocket

Jazmin Grace, illegitimate daughter of Prince Albert of Monaco, has made her Abi
Photo: Getty Images

Palace whisper from Monaco

Nobody had seriously expected that Prince Albert of Monaco (52) would fly to California for the graduation ceremony of his illegitimate daughter Jazmin Grace (18), because the contacts with her and her mother Tamara Rotolo (49) are only loose, as in Monaco says.

But Albert really missed something, then Jazmin looked so pretty and graceful with her soft blue cloak and headgear that reminded her of a mortarboard, that he would have been proud of his daughter at that moment. The young high school graduate herself, however, was far too excited to worry about her father's absence. Such school graduation ceremonies, in which after many speeches and musical contributions the diplomas, which correspond approximately to our Abitur, are handed over, are considered in America as social highlights. For weeks is eagerly rehearsed for these festive events, so nothing goes wrong and no one embarrassed

Jazmin has mastered her performance honorably. After the summer break, she wants to study, it says in her environment. She can afford it. Since Prince Albert finally acknowledged her as his daughter in 2005, Jazmin and her mother no longer have any financial problems. Money that looks well spent: The young woman looks educated and well-bred than many other Grimaldi scion. Too bad that she does not belong to the princely family, therefore regret many Monegassen.

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