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Transitional syndrome


Passive syndrome: definition, causes and symptoms

By- pass syndrome is a temporary confusion. Unfamiliar situations, for example a stay in the hospital, stir up. Even more so when surgery is needed. In many cases, patients even react with temporary confusion. Physicians then speak of a transit syndrome, because it is mostly transient. There are different causes. The medical procedure strains the nervous system. Organ disorders, injuries or dehydration may also be responsible. At the same time, those affected are usually afraid of the clinical environment. The "almond core" of the brain reacts overactive: When it perceives threats, it puts body and soul in alarm. Other areas of the brain that can quietly assess new impressions are temporarily suppressed. Similar to a shock or a short-circuit reaction. With the passing syndrome, the nervous confusion is so great that mental disorders occur. It can lead to nervousness, overactivity and panic. Likewise, lethargy and apathy are possible. Often, patients no longer know where they are and also suffer from a disturbed temporal perception. Thinking is slowed down and impaired. Sometimes hallucinations also occur.

Passive syndrome: treatment

Soothing and empathetic to the patients with pass-through syndrome. Medication relieves the symptoms that are usually over after a few days.

Through Syndrome: Prevention and self-help

Caution with alcohol, which promotes nervous overreactions. In addition, one should prepare well for hospital stays by talking to doctors and family members to minimize the risk of a transit syndrome.
