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This pimple lives! Dasselfliege puts eggs under the skin of a man

Photo: Screenshot / tromar44


This gets under your skin: the pimple on the back of this man lives! A lady fly has her eggs under his skin.

A man is stung by an insect. It itches and feels like a mosquito bite, so the man goes out of a mosquito as the culprit. As the pimple on his back gets bigger and bigger, he lets the bump of his friends examine him. He himself can not see what is on his back - a fact that probably benefits the man in this case.

Because when the friends peel off the tape with which the man has covered the bumps, they are shocked. These are neither pimples nor mosquito bites. On closer inspection, they realize: The bump is alive! The wounds actually look like little holes in which something unknown moves. Using tweezers, they try to pull the animal out. The shock grows with the size of the larva that protrudes from the pimple.

One thing is for sure: it was not a mosquito, but a botfly that stung the man. The insect species is also known under the name Biesfliege and lays its eggs under the skin of warm-blooded animals. Normally, the Dasselfliege seeks out especially ungulates like cows as a host for their maggots.

The man made a mistake with the insect. Nevertheless, small maggots have already developed on his back from the eggs, which are now removed from the supposed pimples. Fortunately, the infestation of the fly on the man's body could be noticed in time. Although the insect usually targets animals, caution is advised: The fly is occurring throughout Europe.


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