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The Mandala Oracle: What is important in your life now

Photo: Gaby Shayana Hoffmann

You need a decision support? Mandalas can help.

Sometimes we need some inspiration to master everyday life. Mandalas with loving hints can help. Try it now!

Should I? Or should not I? There are always moments in everyday life in which we have to decide. Who does not sometimes want a practical orientation guide? Not infrequently, even small food for thought is enough.

It is exactly these impulses that give our 10 mandalas. They show us with their messages, where we stand in life, what is important for us now.

Mandalas have a long tradition. For thousands of years people have been using the positive energy of geometrical images. Even the Tibetan and Indian monks knew about their inspiring power. The word mandala means "circle around whose center everything revolves".

Although the mandalas are not oracles predicting the future. But they show what is currently important to us. Try it now!

Look at the mandalas below. Do not think! Which one jumps in your eye spontaneously, attracts you magically? The mandala that touches you has a message for you. Which, you will learn below.

(Mandalas from "Light Energy Mandalas" by Gaby Shayana Hoffmann)

Do you have a mandala that appeals to you? Read his meaning here:

Take time for yourself

Much easier if you are really relaxed. Now consciously dedicate yourself to your favorite hobby. That gives you new joie de vivre even in case of stress.

Live in the here and now

Be aware of the moment. Because only if you enjoy your life now, you can be completely satisfied with you also in the near future.

Develop a vision

What would your dream life be like? Try to realize your wishes in everyday life, piece by piece. Even small successes change you positively.

Trust your intuition

Watch your gut feeling now. It indicates which decision is correct. Your own intuition guides you safely and reliably throughout your life.

Focus on the essentials

Do you sometimes have doubts? Then recall the wonderful things in your life. Once you concentrate on it, much will become easier.

Allow joy

Go around the world with your eyes open. Moments of happiness can wait for you everywhere. Open for the joys of everyday life. Have fun!

Go active your way

The first step is usually the hardest. Overcome yourself and start without fear. The way to the goal becomes easier with each of your steps.

Find a good balance

Watch for a balance between give and take. It is very important: You should be fine yourself. Accepting help is not a sign of weakness.

You are in the first place

Make yourself aware that you have to be at peace with yourself. Because only if you really feel comfortable with you, you can be a support for others.

Perseverance and perseverance

Some goals can only be achieved with a lot of patience and courage. If something is important to you, stay focused and continue bravely.

To read more:

The "Light Energy Mandalas" by Gaby Shayana Hoffmann provide impulses for the day. 64 cards, 19, 95 Euro, Schirner Verlag (order here)

Also her book "You are loved - A declaration of your soul" is available here ...

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